Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

In The Studio: Number 61 of 90 Paintings in 90 Days, “Too Green”

The Artist In The Studio
  • Here is another mountain vista and I sure thought this would be much easier to pull off than some of the others but all this green in the foreground is a killer.  I think it has some good variety but it all still reads as too much green, thus the title of the painting.Run a big wash of yellow hansa, new gamboge and raw sienna from the top of the trees down through the field.  Before it dries come back over top of the yellow with a mixture of blues and the occassional thalo yellow green.  Work quick and brush up and down.Make some scrapes with a small knife indicating tree trunks, try to make the marks with a variety of angles.  Paint and splatter the foreground.Paint the sky with a mixture of Cerulean, Cobalt, and Ultramarine Blue, leave the the lights of for the snow fields on the mountains.  The wash for the darks on the mountains is  ultramarine blue, alizirin crimson, burnt sienna but you have to really vary the colors or it will become a deathly grey and that will kill the painting.Finish the mountain tops, preserving the snow and really watching the edges of the snow and shadows.  Work some darker greens over the top of the trees.  Add dark accents and a few more details.  Keep working keep painting and soon we will be through the 90 paintings.  After this project I am going to come up with some more fun so stick with me on this and we can move to a new phase together.

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