Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

In The Studio: Painting 35 of 90 paintings 90 Days, “Pastel Landscape”

The Artist In The Studio

This is a fun little painting using all of the wonderful brushwork that we have been working on the last month.  If you have been moving the brush around on the paper than you should be really getting a feel for creating textural and expressive brush marks.  In watercolor the brush is really important because it is harder to cover pieces of the painting than in some of the other medium.  Keep it loose, lively and fill the paper with lots of white space.

I used cobalt violet and blue for the sky and touches of thalo yellow green and new gamboge for the hill.  Remember to leave some nice expressive and different shapes and sizes of white paper.

Ann some cerulean blue to the mix as you work your way down to the bottom of the paper.  Keep the whites.

Add some burnt sienna to the mix and put in some dark accents all around the painting.  Pull some lines around with the side of the brush.

Keep working on the darker pieces of accents, and put some nice lively second washes on the water.  As you move darker in a painting make sure you are reducing the amount of water on your brush or you will just be wetting the colors and they will dry light not dark.

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