Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Creative Jumpstarts: Expressive Shapes


Divide a paper into smaller sections with tape.  Take a simple theme like the silhouette of a man or a house in the grass and exaggerate the shape to make it more interesting. Give it more length, interesting angles, more movement side to side or across it.  Then begin to change the position of the shape on the paper make it small, large, in the corner, or repeat the shape.  Next make a series of color choices for each one like neutral darks and a powerful color, strong value contrast light to dark, emphasize line, really try to make your simple shape have power on the page.  This should proof to you that simple interesting shapes, interpreted with expressive color, value and line, can make fine paintings or make up the foundation for a good series of work.  Look up Nathan Oliveira, and Susan Rothenberg they are very fine artist who use simple shapes expressed in very creative ways to make major pieces of work. Remember these are creative exercises not finished paintings approach them as warm ups to both loosen up and to stimulate new ideas.

15 x 22 watercolor and water soluable graphite stick

18 x 24 watercolor with 6B graphite crayon

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